
Posts Tagged ‘Garchen Rinpoche’

After precious time with the Hopi people, I drove out across the Mesas with the pure intention of meeting the Garchen Rinpoche. I had been told that spending time with him would open the heart chakra of any Being.

I arrived just in time for a magnificent free lunch! From around the world, his disciples had gathered to honor the Tibetan New Year together with him. Russia, Germany, Taiwan, LA and many other places were represented by over 200 attendees. He was, as I expected, beaming with happiness and joking around about his missing teeth (the bottom ones!) I loved him at first sight.

Garchen Rinpoche, as with most Rinpoches has been descended in previous lives from many honorable lineages. But in this lifetime alone, he was recognized and enthroned in eastern Tibet by former Drikung Kyathgon Zhiwe Lodra. At the age of 7 he was brought to Lho Miyal Monastery, which he adminstered from the age of 11. Studying under Siddha Chime Dorje, he received profound instructions. Then at the age of 22, he was imprisoned for 20 years during the political turmoil of China’s Cultural Revolution. While in the labor camp,he received instruction from his root lama, Kempo Munsel. Enduring hardship and practicing secretly, Garchen Rinpoche attained realization of the Lama’s wisdom mind.

Since his release from prison in 1979, Garchen Rinpoche has been rebuilding monasteries, establishing a college, as well as two boarding schools for children in eastern Tibet. It is said that Garchen Rinpoche is omniscient and known for his vast realization as well as his great kindness and compassion.

While I was there I participated in ceremony at the Temple and visited his Stupa (see picture below) where people had been invited to camp out. Inside the Stupa, I found many simple but very enlightening teachings mounted on the walls. Also, stored there were some 44 relics of honorable Lamas and teachers from days gone by. As the wind whipped the prayer flags on this hill over looking the Arizona desert, I felt a certain calm and peace. Receiving hugs from him, I did indeed feel my heart chakra opening. I was so glad I had made the journey.

For more information on his White Tara Teachings, please visit this site: http://www.garchen.net/

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