
Archive for the ‘Sacred Water’ Category

As the warm air melts the snow in the mountains, fresh waters begin to flow. First the waters settle down into our Mother Earth. We can see all the plants taking a big drink after their long winter. They show their thankfulness by blooming their lovely flowers.

The earth becomes saturated, as more and more snow melts, so the extra water begins to flow into streams, finding its downward trail. The streams merge into creeks. Winding down the age old pathways, the waters find each other, banding together to create the rivers that bring life out to the plains.

These sacred waters are waking up now. It is good to watch how they flow. We all come from water, as each of us was in a womb of water for nearly a year before we were born. Then after the water flowed from the Mother, we each came out to be upon the Earth.Water is the source of life. In the spring, at the time of Resurrection, the waters begin to flow again.

Standing on the banks, at a bend in Boulder Creek, we see the water come around. Where has it come from? We cannot see that part. It is a mystery. As it passes by, it is clear, sparkling in the light of the sun. It goes on, around the next bend.  Where does it go? We do not know. That is also a mystery. Like our lives, there is much to wonder about. But while it is here in front of us, it is glorious to see the form that the water takes, the currents that carve away, and the depth that it goes.

Watch the waters and be joyful for this life force. Please say a prayer for our waters that they may continue to flow, to stay pure and sparkling, and bring life to all things on our Mother Earth.  Thank you.
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