
Archive for the ‘Arizona’ Category

Before leaving the amazing experiences that I encountered in Arizona, I wanted one last jolt of energy.  So, I drove off to visit Montezuma’s well.
 There I found a most enlivening vortex. The well is located in a large, round, deep  sinkhole, 368 feet wide measuring 70 feet from the water to the tops of the cliffs. Every day approximately 1.5 million gallons of warm (74°) water flow from the well. The Well is fed by three to four large underwater vents, some 56 feet below the surface. Spiraling out from this round, life supporting space full of fresh water is an energy that is most invigorating. The Yavapai people believe they emerged into this world through the well, and as such, it is a very sacred place to them.  I sat down on the cliffs overlooking the well and absorbed this lovely sense of sacred peace.
The area has been visited and inhabited for the past 11, 000 years, which is understandable when one sees that amazing amount of water emerging from an otherwise dry desert. Many ruins from numerous civilizations are evident all around the area.
The water flows from the Well through a 300 foot long cave to emerge on the southeast side of the sinkhole mound. Here it is diverted into an ancient irrigation ditch built over 1,000 years ago by the Hohokam and Sinaguan Indians who farmed here for centuries. The large sycamore trees spreading out across the valley, along with the energy that emerges with the water coming through the walls of the well here create a special ambiance. It provided a lovely spot to meditate on all I had experienced during my valuable time in Arizona.
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Following a beautiful afternoon in the Arizona desert at the Garchen Institute, I drove slowly into Prescott. That evening I met with about 100 other people in the local museum to hear Flordemayo, a member of the International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.

Born the youngest of 15 children in the highlands of Central America, Flordemayo was found at an early age – like others in her family – to have the gift of Sight. By age four, she was being trained in the art of curanderismo which had been handed down from mother to daughter for many generations. Flordemayo’s mother was a midwife and healer and taught her daughters in the use of herbs, women’s medicine and how women are to honor and care for the Earth.
  Flordemayo began her evening presentation with a prayer to Mother Earth and the Four       Directions. The prayer of Thanksgiving was so profoundly felt by her and us, that by the end
of it she was crying with the emotion of gratefulness.
She proceeded to tell us many stories of her life.  One of these was about the Sacred Seed Temple that she has been directed to create on her land in New Mexico for the purpose of protecting the sacred indigenous seeds with prayer and ritual for the next generations.
After telling us more stories of her life, she brought out her blessing oil which she had prepared from some of her sacred plants.  With it, she blessed each one of us.                                                                               
Lee Cook and I have arranged to meet with Flordemayo in hopes of setting up a workshop with her on her sacred land, later this summer, 2012.  We will be posting the details of the proposed workshop in our newsletter. Please subscribe here, if you would like to receive this information:  http://adventurousspirittravel.com/NEWSLETTER-spiritual-sacred-travels/subscribe-index.htm
Flordemayo is the recipient of the Martin de La Cruz Award for Alternative Healing, a prestigious honor given by the International Congress of Traditional Medicine. Flordemayo is also a founding director of the Institute for Natural and Traditional Knowledge.
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Abiding by the signposted request to NOT TAKE PICTURES of the ceremonies in Hopiland, I resisted the urge to photograph the live Kachinas climbing up the tall ladders and out of the Kivas at dawn. I had been invited to witness the Kachina Ceremony, where young girls were presented Kachina dolls and boys, hand made bows and arrows. The ceremony, happening on the Third Mesa, would later that day be followed with Ogre Kachinas, going from house to house to remind the youngsters of how to be good children, by obeying their parents and other great advice.

Sitting at the kitchen table of Martin Charley, his wife, various kids and grandchildren all around, eating breakfast, I heard stories about the Hopi and their traditional lifestyle out there in Hopiland. It is busy with ceremonies happening often, sometimes more than one per day with the different Mesas and many extended families to support. Each month features a particular theme, all involving the Kivas and what could actually be considered secret societies of people conducting the events. It is wonderful to see such a spiritual commitment to ceremony and ritual and an excitement about life!
Martin’s son who was dressed up and one of the Kachinas during the sunrise ceremony told me that if he did not speak the native Hopi language, he would never understand what was happening inside the Kiva. It is good news to hear that the Hopi language is alive and strong. They had been growing bean sprouts in the Kiva and the secret society had just this very morning, harvested and delivered a large basket full of the sprouts to each household in the village. A feast was to be prepared throughout the day and these beautiful sprouts would be made into a soup dish that would be a medicine for the people. Everyone in the family was looking forward to the meal with great anticipation, similar to Christmas dinner in Dickens’ “The Christmas Carole.”  Margaret, Martin’s wife carefully unpacked and offered me one of the most delectable things I have ever eaten: rolled up, tissue paper thin cornbread, cooked on a “smooth, like glass” rock that would be the prize of any woman who creates these delights. There was a box of the delicate rolls already prepared for the feast.
Being there with the Hopi people, I could understand why they were considered the “Peaceful People.” Martin and his family had been generous and kind, inviting me, a virtual stranger into their home. They lived the spirit of interconnectedness that was the message I understood to be forthcoming from the second Prophecy Rock, which I went to visit.  It is pictured below, showing an instrument, that according to the Hopi Elders, will bring people together to create ONE WORLD. This instrument could very possibly be the Internet. The hope is that with the instrument we can all become people of peace and can accomplish this through a combined effort, altogether. We are the people we have been waiting for.
During breakfast, Martin told me that he realized I had been looking for a different Martin. He said that if I was looking for the Keeper of the Hopi Prophecies, that would be Martin Gashweseoma. His wife returned to me the gift that I had given them when I first arrived at their door, thinking I had found Martin, the Keeper of the Hopi Prophecies. They wanted me to give it to the person for whom it was intended. But I realized that these kind people who had shared their home, spirituality, knowledge and meal with me were, in fact, the right people. So, I told them that I wanted them to keep the gift but to share the message that came with it, which was that now, in my experience, we are all praying together.
The Dalai Llama has been to the Mesas to visit the Hopi. Tibetan and Hopi religions and cultures are closely associated and have similar prophecies. One example of similarity is that the Hopi word for “sun” is the exact same word as the Tibetan word for “moon” and vice versa. Amazing! from half a world away. Both people create elaborate sand paintings, to be destroyed upon their completion. After hearing about the Hopi – Tibetan connection, I knew it was important to go the Temple of Garchen Rinpoche near Prescott, Arizona to pay my respects. According to some of the people closely associated with the Rinpoches, they are committed to staying through 2012, to help us get through this time.There is quite a lot about the Hopi – Tibetan prophecy that I am unaware of, but I learned enough to know that I would drive 4 hours to visit the beautiful being of Garchen Rinpoche near Prescott.
So, I left my kind, new friends in Hopiland and drove West, across the mesas, to meet the Tibetan Rinpoche, known for his great kindness and compassion. He would be there that very day, celebrating the Tibetan New Year. So exciting!!!
Here is a YouTube of Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma, the actual Keeper of the Hopi Prophecies, speaking about the them:

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