
Archive for the ‘Andes’ Category

Lake Titicaca, located in the Andes Mtns in South America and bordered by Bolivia and Peru, is the highest navigable lake in the world, at over 13,000 ft. Looking across its clear, blue waters you will see lofty, snow covered mountains along its far shores. The area is enchanting and when you hear that the Children of the Sun emerged from these waters eons ago, together with stories of underwater crystal cities that are guarding the famous Solar Disk, you begin feel the emotion of the ancient Andean cosmology and the excitement of a futuristic vision emerging from the lake.

There is a legend that says at the time Lemuria was sinking, one of the seven Great Masters of Lemuria, Lord Aramu Muru, was given the mission to bring the sacred Golden Solar Disk from the Temple of Illumination to the Eternal Etheric City at Lake Titicaca for safekeeping. The Solar Disk was used  as a cosmic computer that received light information directly from the Universal Mind Source, Wiracocha, at the center of the galaxy. By entering the Temple of Illumination and opening themselves to the energy, the Lemurians could access the sacred wisdom. It is during our current time, the Age of Pachakuti, that the sacred Solar Disk is to be re-activated accessing the cosmic wisdom.

Many of the world’s spiritual leaders, as well as indigenous teachers, acknowledge that the energy of the planet shifted in 1987 from the masculine energies of Tibet to the feminine energies of Peru, and more particular, Lake Titicaca, Machu Picchu, and The Sacred Valley of the Incas. This area is the acknowledged portal through which the new feminine energies are entering Mother Earth, Pachamama.

When we visited the lake we studied the sites of two documented underwater cities. The first is in the small part of the Lake, called  Winaymarka and is a 10 kilometer underwater city built in the shape of the Chakana, or Andean Cross. This city is connected with the cosmos and is said to be visited often by those Beings. This is the alleged site of the Solar Disk.
The other city is in a secret location (IE: not shown to tourists) and is located in the larger part of the Lake. Although at one time this crystal city was above water, it sank below the surface long ago and hence has been protected by the waters for eons. Precisely because of its protection, the city still holds an energy of pure light. What we heard while visiting the site was that when the time is right, that light will come back to help our world. This may be imminent! Judging from the vibration of energy near there, it will be an amazing event.
Near this underwater crystal city is the Isla del Sol. We were lucky to spend a couple of days and a night with a local family on this sparkling island. There are no cars or roads there and the place is pristine. The locals have formed a co-op to pick up any trash along the beaches each morning, so you will not see any. The air is so clear at over 13,000 feet that the colors of things like flowers are intensely unique. I awoke at 4:00am to go outside and was shown that the landscape was alive with millions of sparks of blue light. I have never felt such exhilaration in a land. The people farm the countryside and their animals are everywhere to help them. It is a peaceful, extraordinary island full of an otherworldly energy. I wonder what these simple, happy people know. See for yourself and please join us on our next adventure to Lake Titicaca in November 2012. See website below, for more details.
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While visiting Tiwanaku, the ancient city located in the altiplano region of Bolivia, one would be highly impressed with the well excavated Subterranean Temple. Walking down several stairs into the advanced engineering found at the Temple, the first thing to be noticed are the rock walls. There are 175 protruding rock faces carved into these walls.

Every single one of the faces is different. They seem to represent different races of beings, from the earth and beyond. Why would all these different races be presented here? No one knows for sure, of course, as this may have been built as many as 17,000 years ago.
One theory is that this is where certain members of these races gathered during important times of the year, which would have been calculated at some of the other massive buildings in the area which show strong astronomical alignments.
Why would they gather here at Tiwanaku? There is a tremendous amount of power that can be felt at this location. The cosmic power is very strong because of the altitude, over 13,000 feet above sea level.  The Telluric power of the Earth is also felt strongly since the site is constructed of rocks that have a high magnetic value. All this power is further re-enforced by a grid of water channels underneath the site that accentuates the energies.
While meditating there, I received a clear feeling that beings from all over the cosmos convened at the Subterranean Temple in Tiwanaku in order to share in the powerful energies that are available there. It seemed apparent that they came together in peace and with the intention of working together. If this is true, we hope  that the imprint of this ancient time is still available on our earth. It is obvious that there are many powerful energies still there and they are visible to the naked eye, even today! See the picture below.
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Traveling through Bolivia, we spent two days on a journey to Tiwanaku. However, we did not go directly there. We stopped at an important place on the way, a Portal to the ancient city. On a height of land, off the road from La Paz, 13,000 ft above sea level, is a natural altar.  (See the picture above with Karakara, the Andean Hawk blessing our way.) As our spiritual guide pointed out, many, big, floating energies are there from the Altiplano, the huge mountains of the Royal Range, and from Lake Titicaca. All that energy is centered in this place and it can be felt, directly. The piece of land is actually in the shape of a heart. Consequently, our meditation centered around a ‘Heart to Heart’ communication with all these powers. We left offerings of flowers there. Among other things, we asked for permission to go visit Tiwanaku, the City of Initiation. Stopping at this portal and asking properly for permission set the stage for welcoming experiences at the ancient city.

When a place as old as Tiwanaku is discovered, many theories arise as to who built it and what its purpose was. They are all inconclusive, because nobody knows for sure. Some say that it was built as many as 17,000 years ago and that it was a port city that bordered Lake Titicaca. There are some things that we do know. There was an advanced agricultural technique employed there. Also we know that many of the stones there came from Quimsa Chata, a volcanic mountain located to the north which has great feminine energy. They call it “WAKA” which means “sacred’ in the old language. The green rocks are full of copper, an amazing conductor of electricity. In fact, I can tell you that being on location at Tiwanaku, your skin actually turns yellow because of the high level of magnetism in the rock. I have heard that the magnetic grid on the earth facilitates the entanglement of cosmic energies from other dimensions. Perhaps there is a connection.
Why is the magnetic content of the rock significant? The Telluric, or life force energy from the Earth is a current of power, capable of conducting communication. At Tiwanaku, it is especially strong, probably because, as a City of Initiation, there was much information to be received and sent. While I did a meditation there at the site of the now destroyed Andean Cross of the Akapana Pyramid, an amazing thing happened.  I felt myself levitate off the ground. While sitting there, lifted off the Earth, I had rotating around me, a circle of white light, like a hula hoop. Attached to this hoop and rhythmically spaced, were several blue balls of energy. This entire contraption was spinning around me for several minutes. It felt amazing.
When I asked one of my spiritual guides there, who had been the lead archaeologist at Tiwanaku for 9 years, he said that my experience was easily understood. Not only is the magnetic strength extremely high there, but under the pyramid is a pattern of water channels that exists in a labyrinth of tunnels which he has explored. Whoever created the place, made it so that the energetic information required by the initiates was magnified by the magnetic forces in the rocks and then re-enforced by the underground patterns of water, similar to the way Reiki healing patterns work today. However, these forces were all used, according to the archaeologist, in order to ascend to higher levels of attunement.
I believe that visiting sacred sites like Tiwanaku helps a person to become attuned to the activations from different dimensions. There is a tremendous amount of energy there. Please check out my picture, (2 above) of the yellow ball of light energy taken near the Sun Gate. If you approach these ancient sites, with respect, stopping at the portals to gain permission, it can be a positive, initiatory experience. If it is possible for you to journey with us this coming autumn back to Bolivia for some time at Tiwanaku,  it will be worth your effort. Next week, I will include more of my experiences at Tiwanaku.
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Most people have heard about the Snake (Amaru), Cougar (Puma) and the Condor (Kuntur) which accompany the cosmology of the Andes and the three corresponding levels of spirituality. The Snake belongs with the Uju Pacha, which is the underworld; the Puma belongs with Kay Pacha which is our world, and the Condor goes with Hanaq Pacha which is the upper world. There are many stories and interpretations regarding these animals and the worlds they inhabit. However, a lot of people may not realize that the Llama is also one of the most sacred animals in the Andes.
The Llama or Qarwa, as they say in Bolivia is an animal that provides spiritual help for people. To begin with, llamas are adorable! They are also extremely hygenic in their habits, as they all defecate in one tidy place. They have big eyes, an admirable quality which represents their ability to see many things. The llama is a very social animal that likes to stay with its family.  However, if there is some danger or if, for example, they want to protect a mother who is birthing, they will form a circle around, to protect it.
The llamas live high up on the sacred mountains, the Apus. The Apus are the mountains that hold spirits of light within them. These spirits live in both the middle and upper worlds and can intercede and help humanity so, they are often called upon by the people for help. The peaks of the Apus are the closest land to God and the heavens. Since the llamas live on these high mountains, they hold the energy between the land and the mountain spirits. They can act as guides for the soul’s journey to the upper world.
Traveling through the Andes mountains, one passes through many portals. The llamas are the guardians of these portals to the higher realms. They are also collectors of energy.  When they eat the grasses of the high mountains, that spiritually strong energy is stored in their wool. Llama wool is highly prized for this reason. Many of the Andean sweaters and hats have the design of a llama on them, because it represents the spirit guide nature of the animal and the help that we can receive from it. When traveling to the Andes, be sure to go to the market and buy at least one item with a llama to bring back home with you. You will find that it provides great comfort.
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Having just returned from a transformational journey to Peru and Bolivia, I feel overwhelmed with all that I have to share. Thinking about my time there, I will start with the most convincing, basic fact. The Andes Mountains hold the feminine energy of the planet. This concept was expressed by the Dalai Llama many years ago. Visiting there however, gives one a first hand realization of the truth of it, since it can be directly seen and felt.

The Andean people hold “Pachamama”, the feminine energy of our Mother Earth dear to their hearts and consistently speak of her with great reverence. While on the trail to the Sun Gate at Machu Picchu, I felt compelled to visit a massive rock just off the trail. Sitting in front of it, a kind of unconditional, motherly love swept over me. Emanating from this rock was a misty blanket of peace that wove its comfort around me. Then, I heard its gentle, welcoming song. Back on the trail, I asked a local worker what was up with the amazing rock.  “Oh”, he said in a reverent whisper, “that is Pachamama.”

The feminine energy is quite evident with the people living in the Andes.  The hard working women are proud to dress in their colorful skirts and hats, whether they are headed to market in town or out working the fields. They are always beautifully dressed with piles of petticoats under their skirts. The harmonizing key however, is found in a balance of energies, where the men do their part as well, so the families work together. For example, even today, the men plow the fields and the women plant the seeds. While staying on the Island of the Sun, we watched in amazement as both the husband and wife got to scrubbing the sheets together in one big outdoor washbasin.

Andean people participate directly with Mother Earth. Families spend their days out in the fields plowing, planting, harvesting, or even spinning wool. They are content to enjoy the day sitting and working on the Earth, watching their animals and fields, while the children play. It is a beautiful life which results in a deep love for their Pachamama. This is how they take care of our Earth. We owe them a great debt for their guardianship of Mother Earth. 

The Elders carefully prepare offerings of love and thankfulness to Pachamama. These are often buried into the Earth, heartfelt gifts of beauty, purity and sweetness that our Earth receives with gratefulness. We would do well to learn from these people of the Andes how to more honestly revere our Earth. Mother Earth would appreciate any intention of tender thoughtfulness, consideration and thanks from us. Why not? 

Our Mother Earth gives us everything, free for the taking: fresh water to drink, delicious food to eat, clean air to breathe, purifying fires, deep oceans, high mountains, lovely flowers, birds, animals, and everything we need to thrive. She is so grand and generous! Practice at least a thought of love for our Mother Earth each day. The Spirit of the Earth will feel it, appreciate it and you will be blessed for it.
Thank you, Tina
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